

Program Overview

Location sound recording is a program designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to work as professional sound recordists in the film and television industries. The program focuses on the technical and creative aspects of sound recording, as well as the business skills necessary to succeed in the industry.
The program covers a range of topics, including sound equipment and techniques, microphone placement, sound mixing, and post-production sound. In addition to technical skills, the program also emphasizes the importance of communication, teamwork, and problem-solving in the context of film and television production. Students will learn how to work effectively with directors, producers, and other members of the production team, as well as how to handle unexpected challenges and changes in the production schedule

Learning Objectives
  • Learning characterstics of sound and its implication.
  • Learning the roles and responsibilities of each and every member of Sound Team.
  • To learn and understand the workflow of sync sound and pilot sound in films.
  • To learn each and every process from ready the script to hangling data.
  • To learn about sound gears and its application.
  • To learn handling boom mic and its working.
  • To learn about Do's and Don'ts on set.
  • Program Fee: 19,999/-
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Day 1

An inaugural ceremony welcoming every participant by knowing them and also knowing from them what are their expectations from this platform. They are then informed of what they will truly learn from this 12 sessions Expertise Course of sound in films and media.

Duration : 1 Hours
Day 2

Introduction to sound theory and its implications and Introduction to different characterstics of sound and its implication.

Duration : 3 hours
Day 3

We will learn the roles and responsibilities of each member of the sound crew during this two-hour workshop. We will cover the duties of a production sound mixer, an assistant sound recordist, a boom operator, an equipment attendant, and how to advance your career in the sound industry in depth.

Duration : 2 hours
Day 4

Introduction and detailed overview on workflow of sync sound film and pilot sound film.

Duration : 1 hours
Day 5

When the sound designer has finished reading the script, he or she gives a basic sound equipments requirements to the production only on the basis of the script. Here, we'll discover how to create the fundamental audio requirements in an industry-standard format and share it with the production.

Duration : 2 hours
Day 6

"Scouting is the necessity of film making. The first step for location sound recording is visiting the locations and identify challenges. The sound team is therefore required for scouting along with other departments so that they can provide insightful feedback and give updated requirements of properties and gears to the production taking into account every possible obstacle that could be encountered during the shoot and affect the quality of the clean sound recording. Here we will learn everything which is expected from sound recordist during the time of scouting. "

Duration : 2 hours
Day 7

Achieving crystal clear sound is not possible without the assistance of every department. Here we'll understand how every department of film making can support and add value to the sound quality by making few significant adjustments to their individual tasks.

Duration : 1 hours
Day 8

"An audience may sit through poor picture quality, but they will rarely tolerate flawed poor sound. It is more than 50 percent of your project and to achieve high quality sound we need proper gears. Here we will learn in detail about location sound recording gears like recorders, microphones, accessories, power supply etc."

Duration : 4 hours
Day 9

Detailed Introduction to boom operation and Miking techniques in different situations. Will also cover points which one needs to keep in mind while miking artists in different costumes.

Duration : 2 hours
Day 10

Even though movies are primarily visual, if one gives sound the same priority as they do to visual, one can make magic. Unfortunately, very few people have the time or understanding to do this. Interacting with artists and HODs and persuading them to follow sound regulations is therefore an art. Will teach you this art on this day.

Duration : 1 hours
Day 11

Every shoot day comes with its own challenges but there are many challenge which sound team face in general. Here you will be introduced to those challenges with its solutions.

Duration : 2 hours
Day 12

Handling data is a big responsibility. With this session we make you eligible to handle this responsibility. Here we introduce you to data storage, process of handling data to the production and creating backup professionally.

Duration : 1 hours