
About Us

Here’s a little bit About Us

Filmy Captains is the platform from where you can acquire the skills that are needed to be employable and Industry ready. The goal of filmy captains is to give you experience of entertainment Industy, boosting your growth and giving highly skilled and talented people to the Industry. The courses which we offer targets to make you knowledgeable, skillful and experienced.

You no longer have to work in low pay for months to get an experience. Choose any course and make yourself eligible for the Industry standard remuneration.


What ?

What is our platform all about?

A unique forum for anyone looking to get a head start in the entertainment Industry is Filmy Captains. We emphasise sharing knowledge based on experience and ensuring skillful application. The goal of Filmy Captains is to empower budding creative minds with the real-world, practical knowledge that matters through a panel of knowledgeable, seasoned Industry insiders!

Being of use' in the field is what counts most. to develop into a reliable and in-demand asset for the sector. We want to help you become that someone.

Why ?

Why does the need arise for such a platform?

We encounter people from many walks of life who are looking for a breakthrough in their field. They may have acquired theoretical knowledge from a variety of institutions through courses that focus on the principles, philosophy, & some technique that helps to understand the art behind each of their respective fields better, but they still don't have a practical understanding of the real-world circumstances surrounding the position they want to hold.


In addition, the workplace culture in the sector has a history of being outdated. Consider an aspiring newcomer who first wastes their resources and time looking for a job since they have little to no information or connections. And even if they are given the opportunity to work, they are just required to observe and pick up knowledge, which is actually less of a learning process and more of an inferiority complex-inducing process because the person is unsure of what is expected of them. This frequently results in poor coaching or, worse; meaning no skills being learned at all. There comes the need for a platform like ours - let us be the savior.

The decision gets simpler. Instead of wasting resources & time with zero knowledge, a smart mind would opt to invest a little share of their time & resource on such a platform that promises to make them ready for the industry once they are done with the promising courses provided.


How ?

How the platform actually works?

Like engineering, medicine, law, and numerous other fields, the entertainment sector also runs on a sound educational foundation. Courses and practice can aid in preparing a person for the real world, much like in other professions.

But as in other professions, we have practical education being offered easily, it's not the case for the entertainment industry. Now that's where, Filmy Captains steps up as a platform for the aspiring creative individuals to learn the basics, technicalities, specifics & functioning of the on ground jobs that run in the industry in the field of film-making to what not.

The reason being; Filmy Captains not only promises to provide knowledge but also aims to provide continuous networking for opportunities to break into the industry! After all, the great idea behind this platform is not just to make you ready with all the knowledge but also to provide active networking of opportunities which will mostly secure you a job ASAP.

Imagine yourself with your dream job at hand and you being completely ready to take that up"

The Filmy Captains' COURSES are designed to be brief but stunningly adequate to cover all the practical and technical knowledge required to make a person employable. The courses are engineered as a logical progression of SESSIONS. And trust us when we say that each session on its own is a curriculum. All of the sessions are structured so that as you go on to newer ones, you continue to learn more and more from earlier ones. We did our best to condense an ocean into a pot. This confidence is the result of the impressively knowledgeable & dedicated mentors we have assembled on this panel of our team. Each mentor being an expert in their respective profession with an illustrious experience of years! We assure you that at Filmy Captains, you will definitely be profited much more than what you would have bargained for.

The reason being; Filmy Captains not only promises to provide knowledge but also aims to provide continuous networking for opportunities to break into the industry! After all, the great idea behind this platform is not just to make you ready with all the gyaan but also to provide active networking of opportunities which will mostly secure you a job ASAP.

Imagine yourself with your dream job at hand and you being completely ready to take that up.