Program Overview
This is a 3-month program that imparts knowledge encompassing screenplay writing, film appreciation, film direction, cinematography, production design, art direction, sound design, and film editing. Additionally, it provides an in-depth understanding of the intricacies of the assistant director's role. From initiating the film shoot to orchestrating the production timeline, this program covers the entire spectrum. The core aim of this course is to equip you with insights and expertise that would typically take years to amass.
Assistant Director’s
New batch is going to start from
13th Jan, 2025.
Learning Objectives
- To learn the filmmaking process.
- To understand the art and format of screen play.
- To learn the fundamentals of film appreciation, cinematography, production design, sound design and film editing.
- To learn the essential skills required for an Assistant Director.
- To learn the roles and responsibilities of 1st Assistant Director and 2nd Assistant Director.
- To understand the working of Costume Department.
- To understand the working of Art Department.
- To understand the working of Production Department.
- To understand working and coordination with Action team, VFX team, SFX team and Choreographers.
- To understand how an assistant director coordinate with other departments.
- To learn preparing detailed Master Breakdown.
- To learn the process of Scheduling in detail.
- To learn making Call Sheet in detail.
- To understand shot breakdown process.
- To understand working of Script and Continuity Supervisor.
- To learn On-Set responsibilities of an Assistant Director.
- To know the minimum remuneration an Assistant Director should get.
- Program Fee : 69,999/-
1st Week (5 lectures)
Film History and Appreciation
- Introduction to Cinema
- Cine Movements and Historical Perspective
- Indian Cinema Since Independence and Its Influences
- Elements of Cinematic Technique
- Cinematic Language and Aesthetics
Duration : 10 Hours
2nd Week (5 lectures)
Fundamentals of Screenplay Writing
- Basics of Storytelling
- Story vs Plot
- Characters
- Three Act Structure
- The Classical Story - Mono-Myth
- Screenplay - Anatomy and Development
- Dialogue - The Spoken Word
- Narrative Ecosystems
- Format and Submission
Duration : 10 hours
3rd Week (5 lectures)
Film Direction
- Visualisation of a script
- Execution of a scene
- How to handle actors
- Choreography of actors and camera
- Inherent rhythm and pace of film
Duration : 10 hours
4th Week (5 lectures)
- Basics Introduction to Cinematography
- Image Formation
- Lensing and Understanding Equipments
- Basics Lighting Techniques
- Special Effect Cinematography and Post
Duration : 10 hours
5th Week (5 lectures)
Production Design and Art Direction
- Similarity and Difference between Production Designing and Art
- Direction
- Look Book
- Mood Board
- Art Master Breakdown
- Miniature and its use
- Budgeting and Documentation
- Set Construction
- Dismantling
Duration : 10 hours
6th Week (5 lectures)
Film Editing
- Basics of Storytelling
- Principles of Editing
- Continuity and Shot Selection
- Dramatic Emphasis
- Pacing and Rhythm
- Final Cut
Duration : 10 hours
7th Week (5 lectures)
Sound Designing
- Understanding sound, introduction and characteristics.
- Listening exercise.
- A brief history of sound recording.
- Sound and its interaction with environment: Recording sounds.
- Recording exercise.
- Location sound techniques and tips.
- Basic idea of sound post production: Dynamic processing, frequency
- manipulation, creating space.
- Mixing and Mastering an introduction.
- Mixing exercise.
Duration : 10 hours
Day 8
Crucial AD designation: Who is a Costume AD? How does one become one? Exploring in detail every responsibility of a Costume AD from pre-production to production. Unfolding COSTUME BREAKDOWN & Look-book, the key document for a costume AD.
Duration : 2.5 hours
Day 9
Crucial AD designation: Who is a Background AD? How does one become one? Exploring in detail every responsibility of a background AD from pre-production to production. Creating the JUNIORS' BREAKDOWN, the key document for a Background AD.
Duration : 2.5 hours
Day 10
Bang Bang! Understanding what is 'ACTION' in your screenplay. Know when the action director steps in. Learn specifics of the field. Also, brief discussion on SFX, VFX & Dance Choreography.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 11
Money game: Who truly runs the show? Uncovering the process from a project's inception to execution through an Executive Producer's wisdom. Know their heirarchy & how they are direction department's saviour? & Most importantly, How they hire ADs?
Duration : 2 hours
Day 12
Introducing & exploring the master of all breakdowns - The 'Master Breakdown'. From its format (eg. positioning of cells etc) to specifics (eg. ONE LINERS, CAST divisions etc), understanding all the bifercations of it. & Also, guidance on MS excel quick tools!
Duration : 2 hours
Day 13
Its very easy and quick to find the answer for What is Scheduling? But it takes years of experience to find out How Scheduling is done? A strong and detailed schedule is like an armour for 1st AD that protects him from every situation. In these 3 days of Scheduling sessions, understand each and every aspect of Scheduling with its software. Just like every painter needs a brush, musician needs his instrument, a 1st AD need a Scheduling software. Learn Movie Magic Software and its magic.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 14
Its very easy and quick to find the answer for What is Scheduling? But it takes years of experience to find out How Scheduling is done? A strong and detailed schedule is like an armour for 1st AD that protects him from every situation. In these 3 days of Scheduling sessions, understand each and every aspect of Scheduling with its software. Just like every painter needs a brush, musician needs his instrument, a 1st AD need a Scheduling software. Learn Movie Magic Software and its magic.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 15
Its very easy and quick to find the answer for What is Scheduling? But it takes years of experience to find out How Scheduling is done? A strong and detailed schedule is like an armour for 1st AD that protects him from every situation. In these 3 days of Scheduling sessions, understand each and every aspect of Scheduling with its software. Just like every painter needs a brush, musician needs his instrument, a 1st AD need a Scheduling software. Learn Movie Magic Software and its magic.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 16
Crucial AD designation: Who is a 2nd AD? How does one become one? Exploring in detail every responsibility of a 2nd AD from pre-production to production. Constructing an impressive CALL SHEET from scratch, the key document of a 2nd AD.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 17
Breaking down the Call Sheet - Requirements, Individual call times, advanced plan etc. Also, recognising the Notorious side of a call sheet. Moving on, understanding the 'Daily Progress Report', the consequential cross-check document of the Call-Sheet.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 18
Film needs a story. A story needs sequences. Sequence needs scenes. Scene needs shots and hence each and every shot is very importanct to potray your story in the best possible way and so is this session. So, what is Shot Breakdown? How do you do shot breakdown? What is the prurpose of it? What is shot list? Elements of shot list? Get answers to all these question in this session.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 19
There is a huge difference in role and responsibilities of Assisant Director and Director's assistant. In this session, know it all.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 20
This session teaches you everything about Clap. As its the first step towards becoming a highly skilled and respected assistant director this session is designed to make you proficient Clapper loader with which you can enter into the industry strongly and confidently.
Duration : 3 - 3.5 hours
Day 21
It is an intensive two-day session which introduces to the key skills required to become an amazing Script Supervisor. If Script Supervisor makes mistake, it can be easily seen hence its one of the most challenging job. With this sessions, learn to track and record all the infinitesimal details of film making process.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 22
It is an intensive two-day session which introduces to the key skills required to become an amazing Script Supervisor. If Script Supervisor makes mistake, it can be easily seen hence its one of the most challenging job. With this sessions, learn to track and record all the infinitesimal details of film making process.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 23
Not just the skills. A good behavior and positive attitude is must to progress in this industry. Learn the Do's and Don't for an Assistant Director with real life examples.
Duration : 2.5 hours
Day 24
In this session your lecturer will be someone who doesn't need any introduction. So be prepared to Ask! Ask! and Ask! Don't think how smart or stupid your question is. Just throw it out and get answers. This session is for you to talk.
Duration : 2.5 hours
Day 36
These sessions teaches you everything about Clap. As its the first step towards becoming a highly skilled and respected assistant director these sessions are designed to make you proficient Clapper loader with which you can enter into the industry strongly and confidently.
Duration : 2 Hours
Day 37
These sessions teaches you everything about Clap. As its the first step towards becoming a highly skilled and respected assistant director these sessions are designed to make you proficient Clapper loader with which you can enter into the industry strongly and confidently.
Duration : 2.5 hours
Day 38
This session introduces to the key skills required to become an amazing Script Supervisor. If Script Supervisor makes mistake, it can be easily seen hence its one of the most challenging job. With this sessions, learn to track and record all the infinitesimal details of film making process.
Duration : 2.5 hours
Day 39
Crucial AD designation: Who is an Art AD? How does one become one? Exploring in detail every responsibility of an Art AD from pre-production to production. Constructing an impeccable ART BREAKDOWN from scratch, the key document for an Art AD.
Duration : 2.5 hours
Day 40
What a Costume Department does? Learn about their heirarchy and process. Let's know from the insiders who run the department what should be the approach of a budding director towards their H/M/W team? Unfolding some of the details & specifics of the job.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 41
Gain insights into the preparatory procedures of the makeup and prosthetic team, including the essential briefs and information required to initiate their preparations. Discover the expectations they have from the direction team and unravel the seamless coordination between these two departments. Delve into an in-depth understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the makeup and prosthetic team.
Duration : 2.5 hours
Day 42
Crucial AD designation: Who is a Costume AD? How does one become one? Exploring in detail every responsibility of a Costume AD from preproduction to production. Unfolding COSTUME BREAKDOWN & Look-book, the key document for a costume AD.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 43
Crucial AD designation: Who is a Background AD? How does one become one? Exploring in detail every responsibility of a background AD from preproduction to production. Creating the JUNIORS' BREAKDOWN, the key document for a Background AD.
Duration : 2.5 hours
Day 44
Bang Bang! Understanding what is 'ACTION' in your screenplay. Know when the action director steps in. Learn specifics of the field. Also, brief discussion on SFX, VFX & Dance Choreography.
Duration : 2.5 hours
Day 45
Explore the intricacies of our pre-production process as we prepare for shooting scenes that demand visual effects (VFX). Delve into the behindthe-scenes efforts that go into ensuring every detail is meticulously planned before the camera starts rolling.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 46
Money game: Who truly runs the show? Uncovering the process from a project's inception to execution through an Executive Producer's wisdom. Know their heirarchy & how they are direction department's saviour? & Most importantly, How they hire ADs?
Duration : 2 hours
Day 47
Introducing & exploring the master of all breakdowns - The 'Master Breakdown'. From its format (eg. positioning of cells etc) to specifics (eg. ONE LINERS, CAST divisions etc), understanding all the bifercations of it. & Also, guidance on MS excel quick tools!
Duration : 2 hours
Day 48
Crucial AD designation: Who is a 2nd AD? How does one become one? Exploring in detail every responsibility of a 2nd AD from pre-production to production. Construting the breakdown such as Picture Vehicle, Special equipments, production requirements along with DoDs.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 49
Constructing an impressive CALL SHEET from scratch, the key document of a 2nd AD. Breaking down the Call Sheet - Requirements, Individual call times, advanced plan etc. Also, recognising the Notorious side of a call sheet. Moving on, understanding the 'Daily Progress Report', the consequential cross-check document of the Call-Sheet.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 50
Constructing an impressive CALL SHEET from scratch, the key document of a 2nd AD. Breaking down the Call Sheet - Requirements, Individual call times, advanced plan etc. Also, recognising the Notorious side of a call sheet. Moving on, understanding the 'Daily Progress Report', the consequential cross-check document of the Call-Sheet.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 51
There is a huge difference in role and responsibilities of Assisant Director and Director's assistant. In this session, know it all.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 52
Film needs a story. A story needs sequences. Sequence needs scenes. Scene needs shots and hence each and every shot is very importanct to potray your story in the best possible way and so is this session. So, what is Shot Breakdown? How do you do shot breakdown? What is the purpose of it? What is shot list? Elements of shot list? Get answers to all these question in this session.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 53
Its very easy and quick to find the answer for What is Scheduling? But it takes years of experience to find out How Scheduling is done? A strong and detailed schedule is like an armour for 1st AD that protects him from every situation. In these 3 days of Scheduling sessions, understand each and every aspect of Scheduling with its software. Just like every painter needs a brush, musician needs his instrument, a 1st AD need a Scheduling software. Learn Movie Magic Software and its magic.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 54
Its very easy and quick to find the answer for What is Scheduling? But it takes years of experience to find out How Scheduling is done? A strong and detailed schedule is like an armour for 1st AD that protects him from every situation. In these 3 days of Scheduling sessions, understand each and every aspect of Scheduling with its software. Just like every painter needs a brush, musician needs his instrument, a 1st AD need a Scheduling software. Learn Movie Magic Software and its magic.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 55
Its very easy and quick to find the answer for What is Scheduling? But it takes years of experience to find out How Scheduling is done? A strong and detailed schedule is like an armour for 1st AD that protects him from every situation. In these 3 days of Scheduling sessions, understand each and every aspect of Scheduling with its software. Just like every painter needs a brush, musician needs his instrument, a 1st AD need a Scheduling software. Learn Movie Magic Software and its magic.
Duration : 3 - 3.5 hours
Day 56
Not just the skills. A good behavior and positive attitude is must to progress in this industry. Learn the Do's and Don't for an Assistant Director with real life examples.
Duration : 2 hours
Day 57
In this session your lecturer will be someone who doesn't need any introduction. So be prepared to Ask! Ask! and Ask! Don't think how smart or stupid your question is. Just throw it out and get answers. This session is for you to talk. With this you will also learn to create an amazing resume with the knowledge of industry standard salary and art of earning as per your worth.